Dental Services
At Sone Dentistry, we offer comprehensive dental care for you and your family. With affordable dental coverage and a personal approach to each patient, your healthy smile is just one visit away. Read more about our services below.
General Dentistry
Sone Dentistry on Stonehaven recommends anyone ages 1 and up to start seeing a dentist twice a year.
At this appointment, a routine exam is performed looking for tooth decay, any oral health issues as well as examining your previous dental work for wear. A cleaning and polishing is done. Also performed at every dental appointment is an oral cancer screening.
Contact us to schedule your semiannual exam and cleaning.
Outside of your routine exam, Dr. Aiden Sone will look after any restorative dental work, such as tooth coloured fillings, crown and bridge, dental bondings, dentures, root canals, etc.
All possible dental options will be discussed, with the specific pro's and con's based on each patients individual needs.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Is your smile causing you to lose self-confidence? Don't let it hold you back any longer.
Sone Dentistry on Stonehaven offers a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry options to help you attain your beautiful, healthy smile. Let us show you how we can enhance your teeth and jawline to improve your appearance and also your oral health.
Don't suffer with a loss of self-esteem due to crooked, chipped or discoloured teeth. Contact us today for a complimentary exam to discuss options for your smile makeover.
Dental Implants
A missing tooth can not only be damaging to a persons self-confidence, but can have a detrimental effect on the remaining teeth as they must now carry the burden of extra forces from the powerful jaw muscles.
When a tooth becomes unrestorable from advanced decay or trauma, it is sometime necessary to remove a tooth.
While there are different options to replace a missing tooth, such as implants, crown and bridge or dentures, the tooth needs to be extracted first.
Dental extraction is possibly one of the most feared dental procedures.
At Sone Dentistry on Stonehaven we use pain-free methods to keep you as comfortable as possible, to gently and atraumatically remove the affected tooth.
We also have inhalation sedation by means of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help our more anxious patients feel at ease.
We are a Certified Invisalign® Provider
Consider Invisalign to get the beautiful, straight teeth you’ve always wanted – without braces. A complimentary consultation with our office can determine if Invisalign is right for you.
We take emergencies as seriously as you do here at Sone Dentistry on Stonehaven.
All emergencies will be seen as soon as possible on the same day.
When it comes to dental emergencies, the sooner you're seen the better. It is possible to have a knocked out tooth reinserted successfully if its been out less than an hour.
Trying to make it through the day missing a tooth, broken or chipped tooth, or worse, in severe pain is unacceptable.
Pediatric Dentistry
Bringing your child to the dentist at an early age is as important as when you are an adult. Many fears adults have of the dentist are usually from early childhood traumatic experiences.
Dr. Aiden Sone wants to slowly introduce your child to their new dental home, not when they have a cavity or a problem, but when their first set of teeth start coming in. Each child starts with a short guided tour of the office, followed by a ride in the chair. A quick exploration of a couple dental instruments and maybe even a quick look in their mouth ending with a present to take home from our toy filled apple bucket.
This experience will be expanded upon with each subsequent dental visit, introducing tooth brushing and how to use toothpaste. And very quickly your child will be excited when they hear its time to visit Sone Dentistry on Stonehaven.
Hygiene Services
Currently at Sone Dentistry on Stonehaven, our dentist Dr. Aiden Sone or our hygienist is preforming your initial and regular hygiene appointments. As we meet our new patients, Dr. Sone will personally access your specific oral health care needs and goals. By assessing a patients condition we offer patient-specific preventative and educational services to promote and maintain good oral health.
Dr. Aiden Sone takes a personal interest in your overall health and well-being. He is always available to discuss any questions you may have, and will even join in to be part of your regular hygiene appointments to talk with you and assess your current dental health care needs.